Statement of Purpose
In residential we aim to empower students on their journey towards increased independence, reduced vulnerability, and a thriving life filled with meaningful choices and amplified voices.
Our values, Dream, Explore, Grow embrace a person-centred approach, recognising the unique strengths and needs of each student. Tailoring our support to individual circumstances ensures both students and their families benefit from the residential placement.
As an education provision, we provide an extended curriculum which goes beyond the school day. We refer to this as the 24-hour curriculum. Fostering a holistic learning environment, we aim to create a home away from home, where every moment is a valuable learning opportunity within areas such as communication, social interaction, personal care, self-help and home management skills.
Within residential we create a vibrant and supportive community where positive relationships build confidence. We foster connections away from home, to ensure our students always feel safe and valued. A mixture of community and site-based activities are integral to the student experience, creating a sense of belonging and not forgetting fun!
Every residential placement is dedicated to promoting the skills and resilience, essential for students to navigate challenges not only within the residential setting but also the wider world.
Our Values
We created our values to represent the residential journey for all students. You will see our values displayed throughout Falcon and Hawk – they are very important to us.
We think about everything we can do. Places we’d like to visit; foods we’d like to taste or people we would like to meet. No dream is too big! (Ambition and aspiration)
We explore the opportunities offered to us and try new experiences. Not all will be successful but that is ok. (Courage and adaptability)
We grow in our skills and our confidence- we should be proud of ourselves; we can do it!!
(Growth and independence)
Please download a copy of our Prospectus here
Why are we called Falcon and Hawk?
We chose names for each residential floor that represent our values:
Falcon symbolism and meaning includes ambition and aspiration. It is the push you need to take action and seize opportunities. If this animal is present in your life, then you are sure to succeed in everything you put your mind to.
Hawk symbolism and meaning includes independence, adaptability, and spiritual awareness. If this animal is present in your life, you will be enriched with creativity, courage and growth.
All about Residential
Our residential provision is open Monday to Thursday, term time and is accessible to all students on role. We are situated at Holbrook main site, across two floors, Falcon and Hawk.
Students can access residential one night per week. This will be the same night each week, with the same peer group and staff team. This provides consistency and allows relationships to develop, leaving students feeling safe and confident.
Falcon has four, single occupancy bedrooms, a lounge, dining room, bathroom, shower room and kitchen. Falcon is supported by three staff members each evening.
Hawk has three, single occupancy bedrooms, a large lounge/ dining area, bathroom, shower room and kitchen. Hawk is supported by two staff members each evening.
During the night we have a night wake attendant on each floor, they stay awake and support students until the morning. We have a third night wake attendant who moves between Falcon and Hawk, to provide additional support and safeguarding. A member of day staff sleeps at residential each night, in separate accommodation situated between Falcon and Hawk. This ensures appropriate staffing ratio’s for evacuation, should we need it.
Each bedroom is personalised to each student and has a tv/dvd player, alarm clock, fan, and night light. These items can be added or put away depending on each student’s preference. Students choose their bedding, posters for their wall and have photographs of family, friends and pets displayed (if they wish).
Please see our gallery for photographs of our rooms.
The Residential Routine
The residential routine is built around a mixture of on-site and community activities. We create a homely environment, where students are encouraged to relax after their day at school. Although we have planned activities each evening, they can be adapted to meet our students’ changing needs. Independence skills are promoted at every stage, from unpacking bags, making beds and preparing snacks. Students will also learn to develop their personal care skills and hygiene routines.
Community activities include:
Bowling, cinema, active tag, litter picking, Oxygen trampolining, Clip N’ Climb, Jump In Fun Inflatable Park, park visits, shopping at the supermarket, Tamworth Snowdome, garden centres, Shobnal inclusive cycling, Lanes Farm and Garden Centre, snack out at local cafe’s, tea out at local restaurants and of course the occasional trip to McDonalds.
Older students can participate in work experience opportunities within the local community, supported by their residential keyworker. This may be a charity shop or cafe. This aims to support our students in gaining employability skills.
On-site activities include:
Craft activities, turn taking games, cooking, baking, soft play, outdoor trim trail and games in the sports hall. Our students are all involved in business enterprise projects, where they design, manufacture, price and sell items. Money raised is then used to fund community trips, chosen by students.
Students play an active role in planning activities. Through keyworker and group work, students can suggest, choose and feedback on activities. Keyworkers have an in-depth knowledge of each students learning pathway and communication needs; therefore, students of all abilities can give input. This information is then added to the next terms planning, enabling the students to have full ownership of their residential journey.
Although we are mindful of cost, we do request voluntary contributions towards some community activities. This is in line with our school Charging and Remissions Policy. Requests will be outlined ahead of time on our ParentPay app. Please be aware we endeavour to utilise funding, so that cost is minimal to parents/carers/guardians.
In line with our Equality Policy and Objectives, no student or their family will be discriminated against due to racial background, cultural identity, gender, age, sexuality or disability. Therefore, residential is accessible to ALL students on role. Unfortunately, our small residential provision, does not reflect our ever-growing school community. However, equity of provision is very important to us; therefore, the following planning and review process aims to ensure all students have the opportunity to access residential during their school life at Holbrook.
Planning and review is extremely important to the success of each residential placement. This begins with our ‘interest in residential’ forms, which are available to download. Alternatively, paper copies can be requested from class teachers, residential staff or school reception. Parents/ carers/ guardians complete and return the forms to residential.
Education staff then add to the information given, along with our pastoral care officer and family support officer (as appropriate). This allows us to gain the most accurate and up to date information surrounding each student. This information is then added to a data base, allowing peer groups to be formed safely based on a mixture of ability, need, behaviour and dynamics.
Placements are offered on a 12-month basis (a single academic year). This is reviewed at a panel meeting each summer term where information is gathered from keyworkers, parents/carers/ guardians, other professionals (if appropriate) and of course students themselves. The panel consists of the head of residential care, parents/carers/guardians and an independent person. This may be a school governor or independent visitor. Students are also invited to join the meeting if this is appropriate. Placements can be renewed for a maximum of 5 years, although this is not an automatic allocation. A combination of evidenced need and progression must be recorded, for a placement to continue. Students who access residential for less than 5 years can remain on the list for a future placement, should their circumstance change.
Interest in Residential Form
How Peer Groups are Created
As previously mentioned, all student information is added to a database. When a placement becomes available this allows peer groups to be formed, so that each student can gain the most from their residential experience. We want our students to feel safe, confident and enjoy activities and relationships away from home.
Therefore all of the following elements are considered equally when creating peer groups:
- Learning pathway
- Behaviour – Whether a student displays challenging behaviour or not, will neither exclude them from accessing residential, or fast track them to a placement. An accurate insight into each students behaviour, allows us to create successful peer groups and ensure equity of provision.
- Communication methods
- Peer dynamics
- Interests and preferred activities
- Home routines
- Personal care skills
- Priority aims for the individual student. Some may need support at mealtimes and personal care. Others may need support with friendships and communication.
These elements vary for each student and every placement is considered on an individual basis, not the length of time a student has been on the residential list.
When a residential placement becomes available parents/ carers/ guardians will be contacted by the head or deputy head of residential care for further discussion as appropriate.
Transitions into Residential
Every transition into residential is tailored to each student. Once a placement is agreed, each student is allocated a keyworker. This keyworker will make contact with parents/ carers/ guardians to offer a tour of the provision and a general meeting to complete the following paperwork:
- Individual Health Care Plan
- Essential information/ in case of emergency
- Activity and environment consent form
- Medication consent form (if appropriate)
At this meeting, each students current evening and morning routines will be discussed in detail to support the transition.
Each keyworker will then spend time in class with the student. This provides a familiar environment for both to form a positive relationship. Keyworkers will feedback to parents/ carers/ guardians and arrange for the student to visit residential within class time, when it is appropriate. This may be supported by familiar school staff, social stories or friends that already attend residential.
The most important feedback within this process is from students themselves. Each student needs to feel comfortable and safe in residential before they can be offered a tea visit (for up to 6 weeks) or an overnight stay.
Student feedback is taken in a variety of ways, depending on individual communication needs. Examples include:
- Verbally
- With symbol support/ talker
- Written
- Body language/ behaviours displayed
When the student is ready, the residential placement can begin. An initial assessment period of 6 weeks is in place. This allows keyworkers to monitor each new students stay in detail. Adaptations can be made to support each student, for example planning preferred activities. If a student does not present as happy, and adaptations have been unsuccessful, the placement will stop. Students are welcome to remain on the residential list, as it may be appropriate to revisit a placement in the future.
At the end of a successful 6 week initial assessment, feedback will again be collated from students, parents/ carers/ guardians, education and residential staff members. A one year placement can then be offered.
Please note, if students are travelling from Belper site, it is the responsibility of parents/ carers/ guardians to organise transport between the two sites.
Ocean Hub Welcome Book
Stream River Welcome Book
Working Together
Communication is an integral part of each residential placement. Each student’s keyworker is responsible for overseeing student progress and record keeping. Each keyworker will attend all appropriate meetings for example Annual Reviews, Health Reviews or Child in Need meetings. Keyworkers liaise with all professionals surrounding each student, for example Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists. Professionals are also invited to observe students in residential as appropriate. This aims to provide the highest level of support for each student.
Parents/ carers/ guardians and professionals can contact the residential staff by Seesaw, telephone or email. We are always happy to support our students and their families in any way possible.
Each evening, student activities are recorded via Seesaw, this ensures communication between residential, home and school is consistent, clear and effective. In addition, residential and education staff complete a verbal handover each afternoon and morning. The more information we have, the better we can meet our student’s needs.
Where possible students are given the option to choose their keyworker. If for any reason (positive or negative) a student would like to change their keyworker, this will be accommodated immediately.
As an education provision, we provide an extended curriculum which goes beyond the school day. We refer to this as the 24-hour curriculum. Fostering a holistic learning environment, we aim to create a home away from home, where every moment is a valuable learning opportunity within areas such as communication, social interaction, personal care, self-help and home management skills.
The 24- hour curriculum is anchored to the Holbrook Curriculum through the four key areas of the SEND code of practice for teaching pupils with autism: My Body, My Feelings, My Communication and My Thinking. This is evidenced in our termly planning where activities are adapted to facilitate all four learning pathways: EYFS, Stream, River, Ocean and Hub.
Residential also forms part of the personalised provision recorded in each student’s ‘my plan’ document, which highlights the context for their educational provision.
Residential keyworkers record evidence of progress towards student EHCP outcomes, via the Seesaw app. Additionally, each student has a residential specific target, which is baselined and monitored through B Squared.
Approaches to Autism
Here at Holbrook, we recognise that school and residential are very different learning environments. However in order to best support our students it is important we have a consistent and collaborative approach to Autism. Whilst the residential environment is homely and relaxed, we are lucky enough to have the following in place:
- Support from our Occupational Therapist to ensure sensory diets are followed and students needs are met, beyond the school day.
- Regular input and support from our Speech and Language Therapists. This ensures the communication support within our environment is relevant and effective. Individual programmes and targets can also be followed to enhance student’s residential experience.
- Attention Autism sessions are planned each term. Both Debbie Watson and Carly Tate deliver activities moving through the four stages of engagement. These sessions relate to curriculum themes or a safeguarding focus.
- The Zones of Regulation are embedded throughout residential through display, symbols and language used by staff. This supports students in their emotional regulation.
- TacPac sessions are planned to support sensory communication between keyworkers and students.
Within residential we have the following student representatives:
- Anti-bullying Ambassador
- School Council Representative
- Online Safety Champion
Their photographs and title are displayed within Falcon and Hawk. It is important to us that residential is represented in all areas and that the residential student voice is heard during debates and projects. Our students are very proud to represent residential during meetings and enjoy feeding back to us on ways we can improve and contribute.
Monitoring and Inspection
Our residential provision is inspected on an annual basis by OFSTED. We are inspected against the following frameworks:
National Minimum Standards for residential special schools, September 2022
Social care common inspection framework (SCCIF): boarding schools and residential special schools for April 2022.
Our latest report can be accessed here.
We also receive visits throughout the school year from our residential governor and an independent visitor.
We have termly quality assurance visits from senior leadership team members. This ensures a collaborative approach between school and residential, where knowledge and ideas can be shared.
What shall I bring to residential?
Students staying in residential will need:
- Pyjama’s
- Clean clothes and underwear for the next day
- A supply of nappies if appropriate
- Personal items such as teddies are welcomed, however we cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage
We have our own bedding and towels which are washed in our laundry room by our night team. We also have lot’s of games, toys and books for students to enjoy throughout their stay.
As students begin their residential placement, we ask that parents/carers/ guardians send in their preferred toiletries to keep on Falcon and Hawk. We then replace these as necessary, throughout the academic year. We use this as an opportunity for students to shop for their own needs, gaining independence. Charges are passed on to parents through voluntary contribution requests. Toiletries are stored in individual baskets, labelled for each student. Toothbrushes are changed every 12 weeks.
Technology in Residential
In line with our e-safety and safeguarding policies, students can only access school computers or iPads which have a school filter, whilst staying in residential. Personal devices are not permitted in residential. We do understand that students may have personal devices on their person (for use in the taxi etc). In this case, personal devices will be stored in a locked cabinet during their stay.
Generally, students will be observed whilst on the internet however, staff aim not to infringe on their independence. With parent/carer/guardian consent, students who are able, can access the internet independently. This may include taking a residential ipad into their bedroom, during free choice time.
Please indicate on the starter pack consent form, if you consent to your child or young person watching DVD’s rated PG at residential. Please be assured we pay close attention to the content of DVD’s our students watch, however, some Disney films, for example, are rated PG. We do not have any DVD’s with a rating higher than PG.
Meals in Residential
Each week in residential we complete an online supermarket shop, much like home. This allows us to provide a range of meals and snacks for our students which include their preferences and needs. Students are encouraged to contribute to this online order via keyworker activities and conversations.
All meals and snacks are prepared and cooked in Falcon and Hawk kitchens, with students involvement at every opportunity.
In line with our Charges and Remissions Policy, there is no charge for students who are entitled to free school meals or infant free school meals. Students who are not entitled to free school meals are charged at a set amount per stay.
Meal charges are £6 per stay and are structured as follows: Snack and supper £1.50, dinner and pudding £3, breakfast £1.50. This includes student’s drinks which are available throughout their stay. Meal charges are not payable if the student is absent.
Should any meals out in the community be planned, the above charge will be used towards the total cost of the student’s meal. Requests will be outlined ahead of time via our ParentPay app. Any additional costs for community meals out, will be requested as a voluntary contribution for activities. This is again in line with our Charges and Remissions Policy.
Medication Procedures
During each residential stay, it is important students receive their medication safely, in order to support their health and wellbeing. We have a medication room, located between Falcon and Hawk, where students can ingest their medication in a calm, private and dignified environment.
Medication is ALWAYS administered and witnessed by two trained staff members. Each of our staff members hold a current medication administration qualification.
Medications are stored in locked medication cabinets within our medication room and cannot be accessed by students without supervision.
Medication Administration Records (MARs) are completed during each administration, to ensure accurate record keeping. In residential, we encourage students to have independence and ownership of their own routines. To facilitate this, when appropriate, additional MAR forms are created for students to sign should they choose to. These are tailored to individual students and often give a great sense of pride!
It is important we comply with relevant standards and frameworks (see monitoring and inspection). Therefore we ask for the following from parents/ carers/ guardians:
- All student’s medication must be received in a labelled bottle/box.
- The medication must be sealed and unopened with the correct amount of liquid or tablets as directed by the label. The only exception to this is Penicillin; as the medication needs to be made up by the pharmacist, the bottle will be accepted unsealed.
- The medication must be within its expiry date.
- Medication should be handed to the taxi driver to handover to a member of school staff and not left in the possession of the student.
- A student’s medication is kept in school or on residential for the duration of their placement, unless expiring and is not to be transitioned between environments.
- All medications are accompanied by a prescriber’s letter or email.
- All students must have a medication consent form completed before medication can be administered.
- If your child needs their medication mixing with a food or drink, we must have a letter from the prescriber to support that the medication can be mixed or changed in form i.e. crushing tablets.
- Any increase or decrease in medication should be instructed by a prescriber letter/email and a replacement medication consent form provided.
Failure to adhere to these procedures may result in medication not being administered or the student not being able to stay in residential until the guidelines are fulfilled.
A medication consent form is available here for parents/ carers/ guardians to complete and return to residential as appropriate.
Medication Consent Form
In Case of Illness or Injury
Should your child or young person become ill or injured during their residential stay, the following procedures are in place to ensure their care is safe and appropriate.
The following procedures are outlined in our ‘Care of Boarders who are unwell, including first aid, care of those with chronic conditions and disabilities, dealing with medical emergencies and the use of household remedies’ policy. This policy has been written in line with Standard 12 (Health and Wellbeing) of the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for Residential Special Schools (5th September 2022).
Procedure in the Event of Illness
If a student is showing signs of being unwell, staff members should inform parents/ carers/ guardians immediately, asking them to collect students if appropriate. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide transport and collect the student in an appropriate time frame. One hour is considered an appropriate time frame, and offers an understanding of parents/ carers/ guardians travel time, due to catchment distances. Parents/ carers/ guardians’ failure to comply with this procedure in the event of illness, could result in a residential placement being terminated, to ensure student safety.
Procedure in the Event of Accident or Emergency
If a student becomes injured in the event of an accident, a first aider should be called immediately. The first aider should assess the situation and administer first aid as appropriate. Continued assessment should be made, and further medical assistance sort as appropriate. Should an ambulance be required the first aider will contact 999 and give appropriate details. Parents/ carers/ guardians should be informed at the earliest opportunity with details of the emergency. If hospital treatment is required it is parent/carer/ guardians responsibility to join the student as quickly as possible, staff members will remain with the student until then. One hour is considered an appropriate time frame, and offers an understanding of parents/ carers/ guardians travel time, due to catchment distances. Parents/ carers/ guardians’ failure to comply with this procedure in the event of injury, could result in a residential placement being terminated, to ensure student safety.
The above time frames also apply if residential is forced to close during the evening for unforeseen circumstances, for example a water leak. Please be aware we make all attempts possible to keep the residential provision open and not disrupt placements.
Moving on from Residential
There are many reasons why students move on from residential. These may include:
- Completing the maximum 5-year placement allocation
In this case keyworkers will create a tailored transition plan for each student, with the support of parents/ carers/ guardians. This may include social stories or overnight stays being reduced to tea visits. It is very important that students feel a natural and positive end to their residential placement, that celebrates all that they have achieved.
- Students turn 19 and move on from Holbrook
As a team we believe that moving on from residential is a chance to celebrate all that each student has achieved during their residential journey. Our team take great pride in supporting students in transferring their skills to other placements for example a residential college or supported living. During this process, keyworkers will arrange to visit and share information with new settings. Professionals from the new setting are also invited to observe students in residential as appropriate. Both residential and education staff may accompany students on transition visits, this creates a sense of safety and confidence in exploring a new setting. Keyworkers also create social stories and look at websites with photographs and videos of the new settings, during 1:1 and group sessions. This aims to create familiarity and prepare each student for the next stage of their life.
Every residential placement is dedicated to promoting the skills and resilience, essential for students to navigate challenges within the wider world. In residential we aim to empower students on their journey towards increased independence, reduced vulnerability, and a thriving life filled with meaningful choices and amplified voices.
Contact Details
Esme Kavanagh, Head of Residential Care:
Jaimieleigh Wombwell, Deputy Head of Residential Care: