
Holbrook School for Autism is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its children and young people and expects all staff, agency staff, volunteers and visitors to share the same commitment.

All staff attend regular safeguarding training provided by external agencies and are kept up to date with legislation changes by our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Kelly Thorne. This is supported through online safeguarding training programmes, which are a compulsory requirement for all staff working directly with students in both our education and residential departments.

Safeguarding is embedded within our curriculum; it forms part of the observation process and planning scrutiny by the Senior Leadership Team.

Safeguarding Team

Kelly Thorne – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Gemma Farrell – Family Support Worker
Sam Bayliss – Headteacher
Lucy Hunt – Deputy Headteacher
Esme Kavanagh – Head of Residential Care
Richard Jackson – Deputy Headteacher

All members of the safeguarding team have attended the Designated Safeguarding Lead training and refresher courses as appropriate.

You can contact the safeguarding team via Kelly Thorne

Emails during school holidays will be checked weekly.

Harmful sexual behaviour

Children’s sexual behaviour exists on a wide continuum, ranging from normal and developmentally expected to inappropriate, problematic, abusive and violent. Problematic, abusive and violent sexual behaviour is developmentally inappropriate and may cause developmental damage. A useful umbrella term is “harmful sexual behaviour” (HSB).  HSB can occur online and/or face-to-face and can also occur simultaneously between the two. HSB should be considered in a child protection context. When considering HSB, both ages and the stages of development of the children are critical factors. (KSCIE 2024)

Holbrook School for Autism play a key role in identifying and preventing harmful sexual behaviour. Due to the varying abilities of our students some behaviours that are displayed may appear inappropriate and/or problematic when they are actually in line with the child’s developmental stage, this may include self soothing behaviours typically seen in our stream pathway. All children go through phases of sexual development. Just like every other part of growing up, some children mature sooner or later than others. In general, typical sexual behaviour should be:

  • playful and curious, not aggressive or angry (National Sexual Violence Resource Centre, 2013)
  • displayed towards children of a similar age, stage of development and physical size, who know each other well (National Sexual Violence Resource Centre, 2013; National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), 2009)
  • voluntary and consensual (NCTSN, 2009).

Typical sexual behaviour should not cause physical or emotional harm to anybody involved (National Sexual Violence Resource Centre, 2013). Any behaviour that is displayed by our students is assessed in line with the carson aim model and risk assessed within their behaviour plan.

The official categorisation is stated below:

What is problematic sexual behaviour?

Problematic sexual behaviour (PSB) is developmentally inappropriate or socially unexpected sexualised behaviour which doesn’t have an overt element of victimisation or abuse.

What is harmful sexual behaviour?

Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) is developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour displayed by children and young people which is harmful or abusive.

What is child-on-child sexual abuse?

Child-on-child sexual abuse is a form of HSB where sexual abuse takes place between children of a similar age or stage of development. Child-on-child sexual abuse is a form of HSB that takes place between children of any age or stage of development.

Checklist for Understanding Younger Children & Adolescents

Checklist for Understanding Younger Children & Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

Working Together

In our continual strive for safer working practices, we work closely with external agencies. Social Services and Multi-Agency Teams (MAT) work regularly with staff to discuss students ongoing progress as well as providing a support network for new student referrals.

The school will receive, from Derbyshire Police, a notification of every incident that has been reported to them, or known to them, of domestic abuse where a child is known to be living in the household.

This is a Derbyshire Police initiative, working with Derbyshire County Council Children’s Services.  Safeguarding is everyones responsibility and this is to help schools with responses to domestic abuse by helping them support children and their families exposed to or involved in domestic abuse.

This may mean talking to students about their experiences, raising awareness through classroom discussion and schools activities, helping victims and families by providing them signposting information.

This school is committed to protecting children and young people and working with partners to stop domestic abuse.

We are working towards the Anti-Bullying Quality Mark which is an external accredited scheme.

We continue to work within our Wellbeing accreditation, which focuses on mental wellbeing for students and staff alike.

When making referrals to social care and external agencies we make reference to the Derby City and Derbyshire threshold document.


Keeping Safe Online

At Holbrook School for Autism, we are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all our students and their extended families.  Please be aware, when using social media, if you become a victim to cyber-bullying or abusive messages/images, you can report these through the links below

The CEOP button is a reporting tool to use if you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you or someone you know online. Please see the link which states how to use the button.

Keeping children safe online NSPCC

UK Safer Internet Centre

Statutory Guidance

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Part 1

Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures - Part 2

Esteem Family And Student Support Team (FASST)

Esteem Family And Student Support Team (FASST) work with families and young people who attend Holbrook as part of our early help offer. Please visit their website for further information and advice.

Out of hours safeguarding support

If you are concerned about any child or young person in respect of their emotional wellbeing or you feel that they are vulnerable to harm or abuse and you are unaware if they are receiving support you may wish to contact one of the services listed below. Many of the agencies have established links and will ensure that your concern or query is directed to the appropriate agency.

Derbyshire County Council Social Care emergency out of hours 01629 533190 or 01629 532600

Derby City Council Social Services 01332 641172 – First contact

Nottingham City 0115 876 4800

Nottingham County Council MASH 0300 500 80 90

Staffordshire County Council ESAS 01785 895836

Leicestershire County Council 0116 3055500

If a child or young person has severely injured themselves or is in a state of crisis call an ambulance on 999

Child line 0800 1111

Online issues or exploitation contact Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency (CEOP)

Advice, support and how to report if you suspect that a child or young person is at risk of Child sexual Exploitation –

Advice, support and options if someone you care about goes missing or runs away – 24-hour anonymous Helpline Text or call 116 000

Advice support and options if you suspect Radicalisation/Extremist behaviour Prevent advice line 0800 011 3764, in confidence, to share your concerns with our specially trained officers.

Terrorism – Don’t rely on others. If you suspect it, report it. Call Derbyshire Police on 101 or the confidential anti-terrorist hot line on 0800 789 321.

In any emergency situation where either yourself or your child is in immediate danger call the emergency service – Police 999

Stopping Domestic Abuse Together – SDAT

Our school is part of the SDAT (Stopping Domestic Abuse Together) initiative led by Derbyshire Police in conjunction with Social Care, Health Services and other agencies, who work together to safeguard children and adults.

SDAT is a system to notify us quickly of any incidents of domestic abuse where the police have attended a household where children live. This enables us to understand changes in a child’s behaviour, attitude or general presentation, and to support children as needed.

For further information please see the NSPCC website

Where to find help and support

In Derbyshire support can be accessed via the Domestic Abuse Support Line 08000 198 668.

The support line is a single point of access to all of the commissioned domestic abuse support services in the County. The line, which is delivered by Action Housing, is staffed by trained domestic abuse workers between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.

In Derby City this can be accessed via Refuge Outreach.

Escape offers ‘one to one’ support, Freedom Programme and support regarding education, training and employment for victims living in Amber Valley and Erewash. The service can also be contacted directly on 01773 765899.

Parents & Carers Resources, Help & Advice

Below are links to external websites and useful resources for parents and carers covering all areas of safeguarding.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection)

Chelsea’s Choice

Kayleigh's Story

I Saw Your Willy (NSPCC)

Pantosaurus (NSPCC)

Living with the Black Dig (Depression)

Derbyshire LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans+)

Derbyshire First Steps (Understanding Eating Disorders)

Escape (Domestic Violence Support)

The Freedom Programme (Domestic Violence Support)

P3 (Formerly iDecide Derbyshire) (Mental Health)

Amber Trust (Mental Health)

Umbrella (Support for families with children with special needs)

Childline 'For Me' App

CSE Social Media Library

Helping Children Cope with a Traumatic Event Leaflet

National Autistic Society Staying Safe and Legal Online Advice

Keeping Children Safe Online (NSPCC)