Waterfall Pathway

Our Pathways

Students are not placed in cohorts based on their chronological age; they are placed in class groups dependent on their cognitive, sensory, social, emotional and communication needs. Classes are organised into our four curriculum pathways: ‘Stream‘, ‘River‘, ‘Ocean‘ and ‘Waterfall‘.

Curriculum Intent

Teachers plan topics and themes that provide a context for learning at our four different curriculum levels:

Waterfall students engage with a full national curriculum. Teaching and learning is delivered through a primary based model, which caters for the social and emotional learning needs of the individual. We aspire to equip students with the skills to successfully transition back in to mainstream or identified education settings. Waterfall students have the potential to be working at age-appropriate levels and therefore require subject based learning supported further by student ‘My Plans’. The students we support have usually attended mainstream settings but due to behavioural, self-regulation difficulties and SEMH challenges they have not been able to thrive. In the Waterfall provision you will mainly see students learning through subject specific learning tasks with opportunities to develop skills through practical and enrichment activities. The Waterfall learning environment provides opportunities to:

  • Re-engage with learning
  • Make accelerated progress across the curriculum
  • Successfully transition to mainstream settings
  • Develop social and emotional skills to support relationships, transitions and independence skills
  • Establish positive peer group relationships in and out of school
  • Work within set boundaries and understand the impact of their actions
  • Develop improved self-esteem and long term aspirations
  • Develop communication and interaction skills to a level where students can express their needs, opinions and knowledge in an appropriate manner understood by adults and peers

Curriculum Implementation

A student’s individual EHCP and subsequent ‘My Plan’ support re-engagement in learning and transition to the Waterfall setting. Students within Waterfall have ownership of their ‘My Plans’ and reflect on progress towards their outcomes.

Teaching staff use the Cornerstones curriculum to structure teaching and learning and to reduce the attainment gap between the student and their age related learning goals. Subjects are taught as stand-alone lessons. Assessment for learning will be based on the principle of end of year and key stage expectations. Academic provision is differentiated effectively to develop self-esteem and ensure all students become motivated to achieve and succeed.

Throughout the Waterfall curriculum we recognise the need for personalised outcomes for all students. Students in our setting have the potential to access age appropriate learning standards from the national curriculum and are supported to develop the tools to be able to deal with other social and emotional issues that act as a barrier to learning.

Waterfall Timetable Example